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你价值几何? 认清自己的真正价值

5. Contribution

A high-value person realizes that he was created to give, and understands that personal wealth is reflected in contribution. His contributions are not made with an ostentatious purpose. Contribution does not have to be at a large scale: giving is an act of joy in itself.

By giving to others, the high-value individual feels full inside. This person strategically gives his unique gifts often, but not so that he neglects himself.

6. Ability to Empathize and Forgive

A high-quality person is capable of relating to those that have wronged him. He is capable of forgiving both outsiders, and himself. Kindness and benefit of doubt go a long way, and holding resentment and bitterness does not allow one to live to his fully capacity. Forgiveness is emancipation from chains of resentment that keep one fettered to the past.

7. Effective Prioritizing

This world is complicated. We are pulled in multiple directions every day, willingly, or not. Smart people have a strict list of priorities, with interpersonal relationships at the top. There is a difference between having a priority list and living one’s life according to the list.
世界是错综复杂的。无论我们愿不愿意, 我们每天都会受到到多种方向力量的影响。聪明的人有精确的事情优先级列表,顶端是人际关系。有优先级列表和按照优先级列表生活是有区别的。

High-value people are excellent time, emotion, and energy managers who carefully allot their personal resources according to their priority list. If a time-consuming objective of low value arises, it is eliminated. The majority of time, emotional, and energy resources are given to nurture and sustain important relationships. The high-value person understands that quality relationships with people are all uniquely temporary and thus invaluable.

8. Flexibility and Openness to Change

A high-value individual practices the art of letting go when control cannot be maintained. He does not get angry when things don’t go his way, or when uncontrollable events occur. Traffic, weather, and other people are not controllable. However, emotional mastery is.

So, how much are you worth?