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甜蜜恋爱中? 小心男朋友让你变胖!

Another 20 per cent said that eating out as a couple formed the bulk of their time spent together.

But although food forms a major part of time spent as a couple, more than a quarter of those surveyed said they would like to be healthier, with over a tenth attempting to cut down on the amount they eat and drink with their partner.

Along with spending more time eating together, the survey also found that standards of behaviour get more relaxed the longer a couple is together.

Just under half of couples said they burp in front of their partner while a quarter of women polled said they shave their legs and armpits less once they feel settled in a relationship. 25 per cent said they were comfortable enough to pass wind in front of a partner.

A spokesman for Diet Chef, which carried out the survey, said: 'This survey has revealed some very interesting results, and it’s surprising to see how complacent people can be when they are in a relationship.
发起这项调查的Diet Chef网站的一位发言人说:“这项调查揭示了一些非常有趣的结果,你会惊讶地发现人们一旦陷入恋爱会有多么满足。”

'It’s widely known that people tend to put on a little bit of weight once they have found love, but what we didn't expect to find was that the weight gain is on average a stone, if not more.

''We appreciate the role food plays in a relationship, and whilst enjoyment of food is great, it’s important to stay healthy and monitor what you eat on a daily basis, especially portion size.'