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晚睡强迫症: 你睡不着的8个原因


Every once in a while you have a bad night's sleep and you know exactly why: You found yourself at the coffee maker at 4 p.m. or there were sirens blaring outside your window all night or maybe your allergies are killing you. But more often than not the reasons behind your less-than-satisfactory slumber remain a mystery and you slog through the day with the unpleasant memory of your alarm clock's siren close at hand.

We're shining a light on some of the most surprising reasons you can't sleep below. Some of them you can't control, but some of them require only the tiniest of tweaks to help you hit the hay in no time.

晚睡强迫症: 你睡不着的8个原因

1. You Slept In Saturday And Sunday

We've all been tempted to spend some extra time in bed on a Saturday or Sunday morning (or both, whoops!), but experts say that sleeping late on the weekend (and staying up late, too) can be a bad idea -- for reasons other than productivity. Adjusting your wakeup time can throw off your biological rhythms so drastically that your body feels like it traveled across time zones, and when it comes time to drift off Sunday night, this so-called social jet lag likely won't let you fall asleep without a fight.

2. It's A Full Moon

No, you're not turning into a werewolf. But the lunar cycle does seem to have some effect on our sleep, at least according to a small study. Researchers found that during the nights around a full moon, people get less deep sleep, less total sleep and took about five extra minutes to fall asleep.

3. Your Room Is Too Cold -- Or Too Hot

You might think you know what makes for a cozy bedroom, but there's actual research examining optimal sleeping temperature. Generally, the sweet spot is somewhere between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit, Dr. Christopher Winter wrote in a recent blog for HuffPost, with temps below 54 or above 75 deemed disruptive to your slumber.

4. You're Not Wearing Socks

Even if you've set the thermostat correctly, some people are just disposed to having colder than comfortable extremities. But this can become a problem at bedtime, since warm hands and feet are part of a delicate thermoregulatory dance that seems to predict how quickly you'll fall asleep, according to a 1999 study. Speed up the process by pulling on a pair of clean socks before climbing into bed.