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袋鼠照片打马赛克 澳洲旅游局遭批


Tourism staff in Australia have caused anger by deciding to censor a picture of a kangaroo posted on Facebook.

Tourism Australia posted a picture of 'Big Baz' on their Facebook page, but drew complaints after their picture pixelated the animal's genitals.
澳大利亚旅游局将大袋鼠Big Baz的照片放到脸谱官网上,还在它的生殖器部位打上马赛克。很多人对这种做法感到不满。

Dozens of Facebook users were angry the photographed had been censored, despite Tourism Australia intending the picture to be a light-hearted joke.

袋鼠照片打马赛克 澳洲旅游局遭批

The caption on their Facebook image read: 'Enjoying a lazy afternoon at Featherdale Wildlife Park *Censored for Facebook.' The picture showed the kangaroo relaxing on the grass at Featherdale Wildlife Park.
脸谱官网主页的图片标题上写着:“欢迎来到翎羽谷野生动物公园,度过慵懒美好的午后时光*脸谱网审查。” 图片上是翎羽谷野生动物公园的一只大袋鼠躺在草地上休息的画面。

One Facebook fan, Martyn Hobbins, wrote: 'How utterly pathetic. Censored for Facebook. You have just lost ALL my respect. I shall now remove the link to you, goodbye. Oh, and grow up.

'I was brought up in my teens in Australia. You do not represent the Australia I knew and loved.'

Another user, Natasha Duncan, added: 'It's ridiculous that the reproductive organs of an animal are blurred out. How many sickos out there think this is sexual. Society sickens me.'

A Tourism Australia spokesperson said: 'Anybody who's familiar with our Facebook page knows we like to have bit of fun with our posts and when Featherdale Wildlife Park sent us this cracker of a photo we just couldn't resist sharing it with our fans - in all of its magnificent glory. Or nearly all!'