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Smaller packages are a tried-and-true formula by consumer-goods companies to generate higher profits from cash-strapped consumers. Manufacturers spend less on packaging, while the unit price of the item is normally higher than for large packs.

'It's easier to downsize a pack than demand price increases from the consumer,' says Tom Vierhile, of consulting firm Datamonitor. 'Consumers are more sensitive to the final price they pay than the size of the box.'
咨询公司Datamonitor的沃海勒(Tom Vierhile)说,缩小包装尺寸要比提高产品售价容易的多,与包装尺寸相比,消费者对他们最终支付的价格更为敏感。

Silvana Cocci, a 62-year-old grandmother from the central Italian town of Prato, is drawn by the one-euro products at discount shops. With an elderly mother to support, Ms. Cocci has grown more worried about her budget in the past couple of years and has switched to one-euro products for items that she considered generic, such as hand soap.
来自意大利中部城市普拉托的现年62岁的科奇(Silvana Cocci)被折扣店里的一欧元产品所吸引。由于要赡养年迈的母亲,过去几年科奇对自己的预算状况越发感到担忧,在肥皂等她称为一般性商品方面,她已经转为购买一欧元产品。

'It's not like we can't afford things, but you just don't know what will happen next,' she says.

In Spain, Unilever has introduced a five-wash package of its Surf detergent priced at 1 euro. In Italy the company is promoting a range of one-euro Cornetto ice creams this summer, with the price splashed on the cone.

French dairy group Danone, which has been hit hard by the downturn in Europe, is recommending that retailers sell its four-pack of Danette, a puddinglike dessert, for 1 euro, rather than the usual price of 1.39 euros. It produced new packages emblazoned with 'Prix Choc' on the front.
法国乳品集团达能对四个装的布丁甜点Danette给出的建议零售价是1欧元,原先售价是1.39欧元。该公司为这个产品换了新包装,在前面印上了“Prix Choc”。达能因欧洲的衰退而遭受了严重打击。

Restaurants and cafes also are getting in on the trend. Starbucks this spring rolled out a line of 'petite' cookies, croissants, and pastries for 1 euro each. And in Spain, Italy and Germany, McDonald's is offering a changing selection of products for 1 euro. At the moment, it is selling beer and Coke at 1 euro each in Spain and salads and milkshakes for the same price in Italy.

The push is paying off. In 2008, Spanish restaurant chain 100 Montaditos introduced a Euromania deal on Wednesdays that helped triple sales through 2011. The menu items -- a mix of mini bread rolls topped with Spanish ham, sauces or other ingredients -- don't change, but on those days virtually every item costs 1 euro. Last summer, as consumption collapsed amid Spain's second recession in five years, the company began offering Euromania on Sundays as well.
此举取得了成功。2008年,西班牙餐饮连锁店100 Montaditos开始在每周三提供Euromania餐,到2011年该公司销售额增长了两倍,这在一定程度上也是受到这个计划的提振。Euromania餐的菜单包括几款上面撒着西班牙火腿和调味汁等作料的迷你面包卷,这个菜单不会改动,但在周三实际上每款产品的售价都在一欧元。去年夏季,在西班牙出现的五年来第二次衰退导致消费受到冲击之际,该公司开始在每周日也提供Euromania餐。

'Euromania on Wednesdays has been the engine of the company,' spokeswoman Anne Corcuera said. The number of 100 Montaditos outlets in Spain increased to 250 last year from 112 in 2007. The company plans to add 100 restaurants in Spain, while expanding in Portugal, Italy and the U.K.
该公司发言人科奎拉(Anne Corcuera)说,每周三的Euromania餐一直是公司的增长引擎。去年100 Montaditos在西班牙的餐馆数量从2007年的112家增至250家。该公司计划在西班牙增开100家餐馆,同时在葡萄牙、意大利和英国进行扩张。