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Zhang and Lan are in the minority, but their attitudes reflect the reality that marriage in today's China does little to protect women's rights. Official statistics show that a quarter of women have experienced intimate partner violence, but feminist activists say that number is an underestimate.

Li Ying, an attorney and director of the Yuanzhong Gender Development Center in Beijing, said many women do not recognize they are victims of domestic violence.

"Ask a woman if she has experienced domestic violence and she will say, 'Oh no, of course not!'" Li said. "Ask her if her husband has hit her and she will say yes."
“如果问一个女性她是否遭受过家暴,她会说,‘没有,当然没有!’” 李颖说,“但你问她丈夫有没有打过她,她会说打过。”

Despite years of intense lobbying by women's rights groups, the Chinese government has failed to enact targeted legislation to curb domestic violence. "Judges almost never define a case as 'domestic violence' because the current law in China is not specific or clear enough," said Feng Yuan, a leading activist with the Anti-Domestic Violence Network in Beijing. As a result, it is extremely difficult for women to secure protection from a violent partner.
尽管女权运动组织已经进行了几年的游说,但中国政府并未立法遏制家暴。“法官几乎不会判定为家暴,因为中国现行法律并未作出明确清晰的界定,” 北京“反家暴网络”的活动家冯远说。因此,女性想要得到法律保护是极其困难的。

According to a 2012 survey by Horizon China of home buying in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, only 30% of marital home deeds include the woman's name, even though over 70% of women contribute to the marital home purchase.

"The institution of marriage basically benefits men, and when women are hurt, this institution doesn't protect our rights," a young woman in Beijing recently told me. "The most rational choice is to stay single."