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Reading this article will take you only 9 minutes — 9 minutes to find out how to draft great presentations and to become a more effective and convincing presenter. Nine minutes which can change your professional – and most likely – also your personal life.


1. Use multimedia wisely.
1. 智慧地使用多媒体。

Presentations must be both verbal and visual. Don´t overwhelm your audience with too much information, animations and pictures. Question: Can your visual be understood in 3 seconds? If not, don't use it!

2. Include short stories to explain your main points.
2. 用短小的故事表达你的主要观点。

The best presenters illustrate their points with the use of stories, especially personal ones. Stories are easy to remember for your audience.

3. Respect your audience.
3. 尊重你的观众。

There are three components involved in a presentation: the audience, you, and the medium (e.g. PowerPoint). The goal is to create a kind of harmony among the three. But above all, the most important thing is that you get your audience involved and engaged.

4. Limit your ideas to one main idea per slide.
4. 每一页幻灯片只表达一个主要观点。

If you have a complicated slide with lots of different data, it may be better to break it up into 2-3 different slides.

5. Move away from the podium.
5. 不要一直呆在讲台上。

Connect with your audience. If at all possible get closer to your audience by moving away from or in front of the podium.