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今天,9月27日是谷歌15 岁的生日。其实,关于谷歌的官方生日,科技界众说纷纭。有报道称,组建谷歌公司的文件登记于1998年9月4日,该公司三天后成立,域名于9月15日注册。然而,谷歌官方却把生日定在了每年的9月27日,并从2002年开始,在谷歌生日当天在谷歌首页上发布一个Google Doodle来庆生。

今年,Google首页如期换了一个新的生日Doodle,蛋糕上面标有 15 字样的蜡烛。此次Doodle是一个敲糖果的小游戏。这个敲糖果的小游戏英文名叫pinata,来源于西班牙语的piñata。在谷歌首页的这个游戏中,通过操作空格键来把小木棍敲向装有糖果的小罐子,击中罐子后,糖果即会落地得分。


What's pinata:
Pinata is a Spanish word, and if you want to sound like you are in the know at the school gates or at work, it is pronounced Pin-yah-ta. The word is derived from the Spanish verb apinar, meaning to join, or to bind in a bundle. A Pinata is a hand-made papier-mâché and cardboard model decorated with brightly coloured tissue paper, designed to be filled with sweets, small toys and treats. Made to be broken, these models are nevertheless fashioned with enormous care and come in all shapes and sizes, from traditionally shaped stars to contemporary footballs.