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Unlucky in love? Maybe you should try your local bookstore. Here are 10 reasons why readers make fantastic lovers.

1. Readers are smart and intelligence is undoubtedly sexy.

Reading makes you smarter and that’s a fact. People who read often not only have higher GPAs and test scores, but a greater overall knowledge on a variety of topics. Furthermore, making reading a lifelong habit can help delay dementia by keeping the mind sharp and active.

2. Bibliophiles are able to think quickly on their feet and their active imaginations help them find creative solutions.

Readers are awesome to have in sticky situations. Individuals who spend more time reading have better analytical skills and are able to evaluate a problem quickly and skillfully to come up with a proper solution. Additionally, being exposed to different worlds, peoples, and ideas in their novels will make a reader’s mind wonderfully imaginative. Their creativity will inevitably keep your life, conversations and (ahem) bedroom interesting. After all, with a reader, you will never know what to expect.

3. No more forgotten anniversaries—readers have better memories.

With every character, setting, and plot twist that a reader absorbs, his or her brain is in overdrive building new and strengthening old neuron brain connections. As a result, they generally have better recall of day-to-day matters.

4. Bookworms are less stressed.

Reading is a comforting pastime and avid readers can always turn to a book when they are looking to unwind, relax, and reduce stress. This is good news for their partners because stress can seriously lower libido and stressed couples tend to avoid intimacy and fight more often.

5. With an impressive vocabulary and flair for storytelling, readers make wonderful conversationalists.

Nothing’s worse than stilted conversation on a date. Frequent readers, on the other hand, have a broader vocabulary and are better spoken than those that rarely crack open a book. As a result, your conversations will be much more colorful and engaging. Readers often think about life in unique and deeper ways that will spark challenging and exciting discussions.