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4. Know the other party.

People often think negotiating is all about persuading the other person to think the way you want them to, Malhotra says. And although that plays a part, "nothing is fundamentally more important than understanding the person on the other side of the table from you."

Who are they? What do they like? What are their interests? What are their constraints?

Malhotra says you need to learn as much as you can about a company to understand the bottom line and why they're interested in you. Then you can align your interests with theirs.

5. Negotiate multiple interests simultaneously.

If you get an offer and you have a few concerns, bring them up all at once. Don't list a few things, and then list a few more later in the process.

"You can imagine why that's really annoying," Malhotra says. Hiring managers want to get all of your concerns upfront, so that they can go back to their bosses once and come up with a workable solution.

It's also important to say what's most important to you. Otherwise, the employer may think that they've met you halfway, while you feel that they opted to change the least important details.

6. Understand the meaning behind the questions.

There's always a reason the employer is asking you something. To answer adequately, you need to understand why the questions are asked.

"Don't get stuck on what they're asking you," he says. "Figure out why they're asking you." When a hiring manager asks if you're interviewing elsewhere, for example, they're really trying to figure out how fast they need to act to get you before another company moves in.

7. Ignore ultimatums.

Malhotra says that sometimes things that sound like ultimatums will be said as an attempt to show "a position of strength," but it doesn't always mean that it's actually an ultimatum.

If someone says "we never do this," the worst thing you can do is ask them to repeat it. If they find out that they are able to do it for you later, they will be embarrassed if you call them out on it. In short, let them make the ultimatum a big deal, but don't make it a big deal for them.