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6. What is my legacy?

Take a moment and reflect upon this question. It’s important for you to think long term. What do you want to be remembered by? When you’re able to be clear with your legacy, you are more likely to work towards your legacy. I know that for me personally, I want to be remembered as having a meaningful marriage and helping people live a fulfilling and rewarding life. I live with this legacy every single day. Now it’s your turn. What’s your legacy?

7. Am I surrounding myself with positive people?

When it comes to your happiness, the people with which you surround yourself will influence you. We are more likely to conform when we are in a group setting. Who are the types of people you hang around with? If you surround yourself with negative people, their negativity will rub off onto you. If you surround yourself with positive people, their energy will rub off onto you. You have the choice of deciding who you’re friends with. If you want to be happy, chose your friends wisely.

8. Where am I now in comparison to where I want to be?

It’s important for you to always reflect upon where you currently are and where you want to be in life. Being consciously aware that you are working towards your goals will make you happy. Understand that where you are now is only temporarily. You are constantly growing, learning and developing your mind. Take the time to reflect on your life. Where are you now in comparison to where you want to be? Do you know which direction you’re heading? If not, what changes do you need to make in order to be in the direction you want to be in?

9. What makes me happy?

This is a very simple question but worth talking about. Take a moment to reflect upon what truly makes you happy. I’m not talking about materialistic possessions or superficial things, like shopping or buying the latest gadget. I’m talking about internal happiness. What speaks to your soul? Focus on feeding your inner being. If you’re looking for long term happiness, it all starts from within.

10. How am I making a difference in this world?

We all want to make a difference in this world. Whether it be big or small. Life is about helping others live a better life. Take the time to figure what how you want to make a difference in this world. It can be as small as not littering or as big as becoming the president of the United States. You are in control. You have the option of living a passionately happy life or remaining stuck with where you are. You decide.