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剩女也要宁缺勿滥 十种奇葩男约会不得


He's cute, fun, smart and you can't stop thinking about him. Not so fast. While many men may seem ideal after just a few weeks of dating, upon closer inspection, there can be warning signs that you should avoid a relationship with this person. It is important to recognize these warning signs before it's too late.

剩女也要宁缺勿滥 十种奇葩男约会不得

1. The set-in-his-ways guy.

These men will only become more rigid over time. Dating someone who refuses to do anything new makes for a long-term relationship that is both boring and one-sided. Assuming that he will eventually change and open up to your hobbies is misguided. This will likely never happen.

2. The pick-up-after-me guy.

You are his partner, not his maid. Men who expect you to clean up their dishes, pick up their clothes and take care of them as if they are little children on a consistent basis need a really check, and will likely treat you as if you are their mother for the rest of their lives.

3. The I-don't-know-what-I'm-looking-for guy.

One day, he wants a relationship. The next day, he wants kids. Two months later, he's not sure about either. Often times when this line is pulled, its code for "I'm looking for a marriage and kids, just not with you." Steer clear.

4. The I-need-to-watch-sports-all-the-time guy.

There's nothing wrong with sitting on the couch and watching sports. Many guys do. But this should never trump the responsibilities of a relationship or take precedence over family obligations. There is a difference between loving sports and having a childish obsession with them. Choose a man who knows the difference.

5. The I-don't-like-your-friends guy.

No man is more important than your friends. If he doesn't like them and refuses to hang out with them, leave immediately.