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St. Augustine

That same chapter closes with:

“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.”

Stanley J. Smith
Stanley J. Smith

The eighth chapter deals with the value of having personal coaches and mentors, and starts out with:

“A good coach will make his players see what they can be rather than what they are.”

Ara Parseghian
Ara Parseghian

The same chapter concludes with:

“I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual.”

John Russell
I like this book, for its practical, real world, experience-based advice, most of which can transcend national boundaries.

John Russell

It is due to be published early in 2011 in the U.S., and I hope a book publisher in China soon acquires the Chinese language rights, so that Chinese readers can benefit from it.

Full disclosure: my big brother, Robert E. Gorman, is the editor of this book. One interesting thing about that is that the author, himself a widely published writer, sought the value-added services of a good professional editor, which demonstrates humility and commitment to bringing the best possible product to market.

幕后大曝光:我的大哥Robert E. Gorman是本书的编辑。有趣的是,本书作者出版过多部著作,但他能邀请专业编辑提供增值服务,足见他本人态度的谦虚,以及力求为市场带来最佳作品的决心。
The author, Mr. Hurzeler, and I have something in common, because I often seek my big brother’s advice, on editing matters as well as many other things.
