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Once you've met and had conversations with a few people at your boss' level and above, Beeson says, "it gets harder for him to justify hanging on to you when a better opportunity comes along. At that point, standing in your way becomes a bad reflection on him."

It probably won't come to that, he adds: "Even if you're a star performer your boss would hate to lose, don't assume he's going to block you. If you approach this the right way -- especially if you stress that you're thinking about your future and have no immediate plans to go anywhere -- most managers will be amenable."

Nancy Friedberg, president of executive coaching firm Career Leverage, agrees, and offers two further thoughts. First, she points out that "in the Internet Age, being remote geographically from other business units isn't the disadvantage it used to be. So make the most of your online presence."
高管培训公司Career Leverage总裁南希?弗里德伯格同意比森的观点,此外,她还提出了自己的两条建议。首先,她指出,“在互联网时代,与其他业务部门相隔甚远并不像过去一样是劣势。所以,要充分利用自己在网络中的影响力。”

She recommends inviting influential leaders in your company -- ideally after you've met them in person -- to connect with you on LinkedIn. Join group discussions and contribute "thoughtful, content-rich information that can raise your visibility and identify you as an expert in your field." You should also follow those senior managers on Twitter and, when it makes sense to do so, retweet their Tweets with an insightful comment of your own.

And second, Friedberg notes, "Often people overlook the fact that becoming more visible outside your own company also raises your profile inside. Making a name for yourself in your industry -- through public speaking, writing for the trade press, or a widely-read blog, or being active in professional associations -- can get you noticed by higher-ups who are in a position to promote you." Good luck!