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Great entrepreneurs don’t write great books. In fact, they don’t write many books at all.

Neither fact is surprising. Successful entrepreneurs are typically too busy innovating to write down much of anything. And on those rare occasions when they attempt to create a book, it’s filled with what they did, and not what led to their idea in the first place. As a rule, they are not particularly introspective.

So if we want to know what makes them successful—in order to improve our own companies

whether we work for a huge one or our own start up—we need to study them. And that is exactly what I have been doing professionally for the last 30 years.

1. Look at How They Think, Not at What They Do. If you just observed the actions entrepreneurs take, you would conclude there isn’t that much to be gained from studying them. Each entrepreneur’s behavior is as idiosyncratic as they are. You would have to be Larry Page and Sergey Brin to start Google; Oprah Winfrey to found Harpo Productions.
1.着眼于他们是如何想的,而非其所作所为。 如果你只是观察企业家们所采取的行动,你会得出这样的结论:研究他们没有多少收获。每个企业家的行为和他们自身一样独具特色。创立谷歌(Google)的必须是拉里?佩奇(Larry Page)和谢尔盖?布林(Sergey Brin);成立哈普娱乐集团(Harpo Productions)一定要是奥普拉?温弗里(Oprah Winfrey)。

But—and it is a huge but—if you look at how they reason, you see remarkable similarities. The process just about all of them follows in creating their companies looks like this. They:
A. Figure out what they really want to do.
A. 弄清楚他们真正想做什么。

B. Take a small step toward that goal.
B. 向那个目标迈出一小步

C. Pause after taking that small step to see what they have learned.
C. 迈出一小步之后稍停片刻看看学到了什么

D. Build off that learning and take another small step.
D. 积累经验,再前进一小步

E. Pause after taking that step.
E. 之后再停下来

F. Build off what they learned in step two. And then take another small step…
F. 积累第二步中的经验。然后继续前进……