罗斯马丁 Title:Executive Vice President, Viacom
"I just lost my world record for most ear-wiggles in 30 seconds. I'm upset about it. Training now to recapture the title. Not kidding."
Kristin Groos Richmond
克里斯汀格鲁斯里奇蒙德 Title:Founder, Revolution Foods
职务:健康食品公司Revolution Foods创始人
"I spent a great deal of my childhood on a ranch in Texas. My first entrepreneurial pursuit was harvesting and selling buckets of pecans. $1 per bucket. What a deal!"
Dhiraj Rajaram
迪拉吉拉贾拉姆 Title:CEO, chariman, founder, Mu Sigma
职务:数据分析公司Mu Sigma首席执行官、董事长及创始人
"I have only bought used cars in my life. I don't believe in buying new cars."
Kat Cole
凯特科尔 Title:President, Cinnabon"When I'm not indulging in yummy, sweet baked goods as I love to do (like Cinnabon), I eat mostly green and white food. Green: Kale, broccoli, spinach, wheatgrass. And white: eggs, chicken, yogurt, kefir. I'm a walking dietary conflict of inter Ryan McInerney
Title:President, Visa
"I met my wife when we were eight years old. We met 30 years ago, began dating 20 years ago, and were married 10 years ago." est -- and it works for me."
Tamara Ralph
塔玛拉拉尔夫 Title:Creative Director, Ralph & Russo
职务:高级女式时装公司Ralph & Russo创意总监
"Michael Russo and I are engaged!"
Title:CEO, Openreach, part of BT Group
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