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6. Surround yourself with funny people.

6. 用搞笑的人包围自己

Be around silly, super funny people. Laughter is absolutely contagious, and hopefully these people will make you smile so much your face hurts.


7. Get active.

7. 动起来

It doesn’t have be intense cross-fit/P90x/marathon training work outs either. Just doing something to get your breathing and heart rate going is what you should be aiming for. Studies show that even if they didn’t loose weight, people who worked out regularly felt better about themselves overall, both in their self-esteem and general health.


8. Listen to good music.

8. 听听好音乐

It’s an age-old question, but why do we feel like listening to sad music when we’re feeling down? Most of us hate feeling sad or upset, and we just want that feeling to go away asap. Music can enhance our mood quicker than a lot of other methods. Listening to tunes that pump you up and get you excited just over the song are the ones you want to have in a “happy playlist.”


9. Walk with a purpose.

9. 有目的的行走

When walking around campus most of us are looking down at our phones or putting in headphones even though we may only have to walk 2 blocks down the road to get to our destination. For a day, put away all the things that normally close yourself off to others and just walk with your head held high and eyes wide open. Life’s beauty in nature, other people, and day to day life will become very clear. You may realize you’ve been blinded for awhile to seeing these simple pleasures that add up and bring so many people joy.


10. Give more hugs and look on the bright side.

10. 拥抱,看向光明

Even if you don’t want one, receiving a hug from someone else at least shows you they care and appreciate your presence in their life. The more hugs you give and receive, the more that those subtle traces of love and compassion will magnify into you everyday outlook on life. If someone is needing advice, always start by listening well and then offering the brightest side to their issue you can. Honestly, I believe this practice of compassion and optimism is what changes lives.
