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5. Box of tissues

Have you ever had a sneeze come on when there were no tissues in site, and then found yourself with a handful of icky snot? This is an embarrassing public moment that makes even the best of us want to disappear. Spare yourself the awkwardness this fall and winter by stowing a box of tissues under your desk. Trust me—you’ll be glad you did!

6. Framed photos

Just because your loved ones aren’t with you doesn’t mean you can’t think about them. Remembering that there is a spouse/children/dog/cat/fish/snake at home that loves us makes work days more bearable. If your’e feeling stressed out, all you have to do is look at a photo of a loved one and be happy you get to see them soon. Also, an undecorated desk is a boring desk (and who wants to be boring?).

7. Gum or breath mint

Your tuna sandwich tastes a lot better than it smells. If you work in an office where you’re chatting with people in close proximity on a regular basis, you’d be well-advised to keep some minty gum or breath mints on hand.

8. Personal hygiene/body care products

You might want to consider keeping some deodorant, mouthwash, and other personal care products around in case you find yourself running straight to a date after work so you can touch up if necessary. Ladies: I’m not going to discuss feminine products in detail because you know what I’m talking about, so let’s just say that keeping them on hand might be a good idea for obvious reasons as well.