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What can Chinese billionaires learn from Li Ka-shing ? Be careful of debt.

In a rare media interview last week, Asia's richest man said property markets in Hong Kong and China both look overheated, and stressed the importance of financial prudence. 'We need to be careful about debt, as if we are treading on thin ice,' Mr. Li told China's Southern Weekend. 'We have been buying less land in Hong Kong and China because prices are so high.'

Real estate has been a leading source of wealth creation in both Hong Kong and China, but Hong Kong developers are much more cautious with credit than their mainland peers. The total debt-to-asset ratio of Hong Kong-based developers─at around 30%─is half that of those on the mainland.


In China, developers have been growing fast by buying land using borrowed money, building apartments quickly, and sometimes selling them even before they are completed. But the government's efforts to cool the housing market have slowed sales and price growth, putting that model at risk.

'Many Chinese companies are borrowing at very high rates and there is no way that they can make this kind of return,' said Antonio Huang, head of Asia structured trade and export finance at Banco Santander SA. As money gets tighter, some will inevitably go bust, he said.
西班牙国家银行亚洲结构贸易与出口金融主任 Antonio Huang说,中国企业借贷的利率很高,而他们根本不可能达到这么高的回报。随着资金收紧,有些企业将不可避免地倒闭。

At Mr. Li's Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., which operates ports, telecommunications and retail businesses, liabilities were 43% of assets as of June 30. Net debt as a percentage of net total capital, the amount by which net assets exceed cash, stood at 20%. By comparison, Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties Co., controlled by China's richest man, Wang Jianlin, had a total debt-to-asset ratio of 76% as of June 30. Its net-debt-to-net-total capital ratio was 38%.
截至今年6月,李嘉诚旗下经营港口、电讯及零售的和记黄埔有限公司,其资产负债率为43%,净负债占净资本(总资产减现金)的百分比为20%。 大陆公司则更激进。拿中国大陆首富王健林掌管的大连万达商业地产股份有限公司来说,截至6月30日,其总资产负债率达76%,净债务占净资本比为38%。