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6. You complain about being overworked or underpaid. Have a good attitude. Pitch in cheerfully. And then go test your market value quietly, rather than complaining passively about your martyr status. You, and your peers, will have more respect for you that way.
6. 抱怨工作量过大或薪水太低。要有一个好的态度。精神饱满地投入工作。然后暗中测试你的市场价值,而不是以消极态度抱怨你的不公处境。这样,你的同伴将会对你更加敬重,你也会更有尊严。

7. You hit “Reply All” when All doesn’t need or want to hear from you. This needs no explanation, really.
7. 回复邮件时,在不需要回复所有人,或并不是所有人都想收到邮件的时候,点击“回复全部”。这一条不需要解释,是吧。

8. You lament how people spend too much time on Facebook or Twitter. Employees now conduct their personal lives during work, and they work from home on weekends. That’s our new reality, and we should accept it, as long as the employee is getting her work done and adding real value. And besides, it’s not as if they’re wasting time on Google Plus.
8. 哀叹人们在Facebook 或Twitter上花太多时间。员工们在工作中忙着私事,而周末却在家办公。这就是新的现实,我们应该接受它,前提是员工能完成工作并增加真正的价值。此外,他们在GooglePlus上并没有浪费时间。

9. You text your friends from your workstation. Does this seem like a contradiction of the previous point? Not really. You can’t do much messaging on a smartphone while looking like you have the gravitas that merits a promotion. Instead you look more like the hostess at the Ruby’s next door.
9. 在工作岗位上不停给你的朋友发信息。这条看起来是不是好像跟前面的一条相矛盾?并不是。你没法一边看起来好像很认真工作都到了能给你加薪晋级的程度,一边用智能手机使劲发信息。相反,你看起来更像是Ruby家隔壁餐厅的老板娘。

10. You walk into someone’s office or workspace, take a seat and launch in on a conversation. Start by saying, “Are you free? I can come back if this isn’t a good time.”
10. 走进某人的办公室或办公场所,一屁股坐下来就开始说话。一开头你就要问:你有空吗?如果现在不方便,我可以稍后再过来。