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Social customer service kills the dreaded phone tree

The ability of customers to air their dirty laundry to the world via Twitter and Facebook has already changed the customer service game. A 2012 Nielsen survey shows more than half of all customers now turn to social media for redress; meanwhile, some 81% of Twitter users expect a same-day response to questions and complaints. But this fall, things got even more interesting: On Sept. 2, British Airways passenger Hasan Syed spent an estimated $1,000 to purchase several promoted Tweets blasting the company for losing luggage. With paid social media now in customers' arsenal, 2014 may mark the beginning of the end of abysmal customer service at major airlines, credit card companies, banks, and other repeat offenders, characterized by endless phone wait times and those automated "phone trees" (i.e., "Press 1 for English, 2 for Spanish, 3 to waste your entire afternoon on hold ...").
客户通过Twitter 和Faceboo向世界传播“糟糕经历”的能力已经改变了客服世界的生态。尼尔森公司(Nielsen)2012年的一项调查显示,超过一半的客户现在通过社交媒体寻求补救措施;与此同时,在Twitter上提出问题或抱怨后,大约81%的用户提出当天就能获得回应。但在今年秋天,事情变得更加有趣:9月2日,英国航空公司(British Airways)乘客赛义德?哈桑斥资大约1,000美元,购买了几条“推广消息”,猛烈抨击这家航空公司弄丢了他的行李。鉴于有偿社交媒体推广现已成为客户的新武器,从2014年开始,各大航空公司、信用卡公司、银行和其他累犯提供的糟糕透顶的客户服务或将走向终结。无穷无尽的电话等待时间和那些自动化的“电话树”(比如,“英语服务请按1,西班牙语服务请按2,您整整一个下午都需要等候接听请按3”)或许将被扔入历史的垃圾桶。

Social media finds you as you browse

From the beginning, social networks have been effectively walled off from the Internet. The treasure trove of content on Facebook, for instance, doesn't generally show up on Google (GOOG). But does it have to be that way? Wouldn't it be convenient to see Twitter search results automatically displayed alongside a standard Google search, for example? And why, for instance, don't the latest tweets about a restaurant pop up when you're searching Yelp (YELP)? The competing interests of different networks sends this content behind proprietary walls, but a number of tools offer creative ways to bridge the gulf. (Full disclosure: My company has developed one such tool.)
从一开始,社交网络就被有效地隔离在互联网之外。比如,Facebook的海量内容通常不会显示在谷歌( Google )搜索结果之中。但是否非得是这种情形?比方说,Twitter搜索结果自动出现在一个标准的谷歌搜索显示页面,岂不是更方便?再比如,当你搜索Yelp时,为什么关于某家餐厅的最新Twitter消息没有显现出来呢?由于利益相悖,不同社交网络往往把各自的内容封锁在专利保护墙之内,但也有不少工具致力于创造性地弥合这道鸿沟。需要说明的是,本文作者的公司已经开发出了这样一种工具。

Get ready to see ads from the neighborhood pub on Twitter

Native social media ads -- the ones that appear right in your Twitter and Facebook streams -- exploded in 2013. Love 'em or hate 'em, they're only getting bigger in 2014. This year, expect some significant, if slightly creepy, advances in location-specific targeting. Twitter, for instance, just unveiled a feature enabling paid Tweets to be targeted by zip code. You walk into a neighborhood, for instance, and suddenly Promoted Tweets for the local watering hole, dry cleaner, and McDonald's (MCD) pop up in your Twitter stream. This kind of "geo-fencing," which Facebook has had since 2011, enables businesses to court nearby customers who might actually want to get ads offering special deals, in-store specials, etc. The upside: more relevant ads and promos you can actually use. The downside: more ads.