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6. Enroll in online or night classes

How about learning a new language you can use whenever you travel? Or taking free online classes about Management or Finance on websites such as The Open University? Yes, studying doesn’t also have to restricted in the four corners of a classroom. You won’t get an A for your efforts, and you definitely won’t be on the honors list for writing a good essay in French. But you learn something you like and something you consider useful.
学一门外语以备旅行之用怎么样?抑或在The Open University等网站上免费学习管理或金融类课程呢?没错,学习并不局限在四角方方的教室里。或许你努力之后得不到优评,用法语写篇好文章也不会榜上有名,但你却能学到自己喜欢而又实用的东西。

7. Be cultured

Watch as many movies and read as many books as possible. And it doesn’t mean that you only watch the ones with high ratings from critics. Absorb as many forms of entertainment as you want without having to concern yourself whether it’s something that can enrich your life. But you see, there’s a reason why so many people devote their entire lives producing movies and writing novels. Just think of it as memoirs by the people who created them. It’s the fruit of their life experiences and understanding of their surroundings. Movies and books are a good look into how people interpret the world.

8. Do many first’s

When was the last time you did something for the first time? If you can’t think of the answer, maybe you need to go out and try something new. It can be as simple as watching a movie alone or as big as trying bungee jumping. Doing something for the first time doesn’t need to have a life-changing effect. It can be a simple realization that apparently, going to a film screening by yourself isn’t so bad. You don’t need always need a profound realization for everything you do.

9. Learn to adapt

You can’t stop change from happening in your life. What you can do is accept that it’s inevitable and you just have to adapt. This is why you can’t stop learning, and you can’t stop growing. When you learn to adapt, you pick up something you haven’t encountered before. You can’t try the same methods over and over again, because no matter how similar a situation may be, it’ll need a different solution and treatment of the problem.

10. Initiate

Sometimes, you can’t wait for someone to do things for you. If you feel like something has to be done about something, then it’s probably time that you step up. Be the instigator of the change you want to see. Yes, you can’t be alone when you want to make a difference. But who said that little differences don’t matter?

There are so much more to learn, especially now that we’re virtually connected to everyone in the world. As a student of life, it’s really up to you to use all your resources and make it into something enriching.