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For Wal-Mart shopper David McCarthy, 41 years old, in Evans City, Pa., the shipping snafus meant telling his 10-year-old son that he wouldn't get the Beats by Dr. Dre headphones, which were first on his wish list this year. By Christmas Eve, Mr. McCarthy hadn't found a replacement gift.
对家住宾夕法尼亚州埃文斯城的41岁的麦卡锡(David McCarthy)来说,因为他选择在沃尔玛购物,运输不给力意味着他要告诉自己10岁的儿子他无法收到Beats by Dr. Dre耳机了,这是他今年愿望清单上排在第一位的礼品。直到圣诞节前夜,麦卡锡还没有找到可以替代的礼物。

In Alexander City, Ala., Kohl's shopper Andi Burks grumbled over the realization she wouldn't be able to give her husband the sweaters Ms. Burks had ordered on Dec. 19, a day before the cutoff for 'guaranteed Christmas delivery.'
在亚拉巴马州的亚历山大城,在Kohl's购买了商品的伯克斯(Andi Burks)抱怨说,她在12月19日那天下了单子,想送老公一件毛衣,那是“圣诞节保证送达”最后下单日期的前一天,可现在没法完成这个愿望了。

'I thought that since they had stated on their website that it was guaranteed to arrive on time that I would be OK,' she said referring to Kohl's. 'Apparently I was wrong.'

Kohl's said on Tuesday it would pay the full cost of all items not delivered in time. 'We are deeply sorry for disappointing our customers expecting delivery in time for Christmas,' spokeswoman Jen Johnson said.
Kohl's周二说,将为所有未及时送达的商品全额退款。该公司发言人约翰逊(Jen Johnson)说,我们让期待商品在圣诞节及时送达的顾客失望了,我们深表歉意。

Groupon Inc. sent customers an email this week suggesting they print out a picture of their present in lieu of the promised on-time delivery of the actual gift, as well as a $25 gift certificate. 'We know it doesn't make up for the disappointment of not getting your item in time for the holidays,' the email said.
Groupon Inc.本周向顾客发了一封电子邮件,建议他们打印出所购礼物的图片,暂时代替该公司承诺按时送达的实际礼物,该公司还赠送顾客一张25美元的礼品券。电子邮件中说,我们知道这难以弥补大家在节日期间无法及时收到所购物品的失望。

The deals site 'successfully fulfilled and delivered an overwhelming majority of orders,' said spokesman Nicholas Halliwell.
这家团购网站的发言人哈利韦尔(Nicholas Halliwell)说,该公司成功完成并投送了绝大部分顾客订购的物品。

It is unclear how widespread the delays were or which retailers suffered the most problems. Weather delays, mislabeled packages, and even errors by customers entering their own delivery information can cause delays.

Kohl's, Wal-Mart and UPS said a small percentage of customers experienced delays but declined to elaborate on how many people were affected. Amazon said it was unaware of major shipping delays.

Typically, about 15% of online shoppers who order items by retailers' specified cutoff dates don't get their packages by Christmas Eve, Forrester Research analyst Sucharita Mulpuru said. But with more gifts being shipped in the mail, the volume of errors is likely to rise, even if the percentage doesn't.
Forrester Research分析师穆普鲁(Sucharita Mulpuru)说,一般来讲,在零售商指定的截止日期前下单的网络购物者中约有15%在平安夜前收不到包裹。但由于寄送的礼物增多,出错量可能会增加,即便出错率不变。

UPS, which handled more than 500 million packages during last year's peak period, was expecting an 8% rise in volumes this year. The U.S. Postal Service, meanwhile, said it expected to ship a record 420 million packages between Thanksgiving and New Year's, an increase of 12% from last year. The Postal Service in some cases plans to deliver on Christmas Day itself.
UPS在去年的高峰期里处理了超过5亿个包裹。该公司预计今年包裹量将上升8%。与此同时,美国邮政总局(U.S. Postal Service)说,它预计在今年的感恩节至元旦期间,将运送创纪录的4.2亿个包裹,较上年同比增加12%。美国邮政总局有些情况下会安排在圣诞节当天投递包裹。

'We've heard more noise about shipping problems this year than usual,' said Chris Saridakis, president of eBay Enterprise, which handles shipping for more than 70 retailers including Toys 'R' Us Inc. and Aéropostale Inc.
eBay Enterprise总裁萨勒达奇斯(Chris Saridakis)说,今年我们听到的有关运输问题的投诉比往年要多。该公司为超过70家零售商提供运输服务,包括玩具反斗城(Toys "R" Us Inc.)和服装零售商Aeropostale Inc.。

Part of the problem is handling an increased number of orders in a shorter time frame, given that there were six fewer shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year.

'These retailers just don't have enough labor,' Mr. Saridakis said, noting that while most of the distribution centers are automated, 'you still need people to pack and unpack boxes.'

Retailers like Amazon and Wal-Mart have been building more fulfillment centers and other infrastructure to handle surging online orders. This year, Amazon hired 70,000 seasonal workers for its U.S. warehouses, a 40% increase from the year before.

To ease pressures on possible shipping bottlenecks, many retail chains have promoted the option to pick up items purchased online inside stores. That plan might have backfired for companies like Wal-Mart, where dozens of customers complained that items weren't available for pickup in stores by the promised date.

The problem seemed to be biggest for customers who had lined up for hours during Thanksgiving weekend to get special deals on popular televisions and tablets.

As part of Wal-Mart's Black Friday promises, shoppers who lined up for the best door-buster deals were told that if the store ran out of stock, then the items they paid for would be available for store pickup by Dec. 22. But in some cases, the items weren't available and shoppers jammed customer-service phone lines and took to Facebook and Twitter to gripe at the retailer.

Wal-Mart said the issue affected only a small percentage of the five million people who took part in its one-hour guarantee promotion.

But by Christmas Eve, it was too late for some customers like Terence Kavanaugh in Louisville, Ky.
但在平安夜前,对一些顾客来说已经为时过晚,比如肯塔基州路易斯维尔的卡瓦诺(Terence Kavanaugh)。

After losing hope on getting the $98 Emerson television he bought his 9-year-old daughter at Wal-Mart over Thanksgiving weekend, he went to Best Buy and bought a second TV for $179.
感恩节周末他在沃尔玛花了98美元给九岁的女儿买了一台艾默生(Emerson)电视机,但由于迟迟未收到货,他不再抱希望。于是去百思买(Best Buy)花179美元又买了一台。

'It's more expensive but I'm not going to let Wal-Mart ruin my daughter's Christmas,' he said.