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5. Cook something.

As a 20-something, you need to learn to cook. You should already know how to cook pasta and eggs -- and know how to use the oven. Now, spice up your pasta and eggs with new recipes... and of course learn what to do with meat, whether it's in a crock pot, the oven, the stove, or on a grill. Of course, microwavable meals are nice when you worked late or are just way too busy. But to be healthy, you must cook! I'm not saying turn into a chef... but look easy recipes up online. Cooking is really not that bad.


6. Get rid of fake friends.

And stop being fake yourself! You graduated college. You're in the real world. There's no need to keep pretending you like so-and-so just because they're friends with your friends and you feel you have to. But there's also no need to be mean to people. You're too old for that. Be cordial, but don't go out of your way to make a friendship happen that's just not going to happen. Focus that energy on new friendships with people you actually like. Don't exclude people, don't be cliquey, and ignore any drama that attempts to come your way. Do YOU and don't worry about anyone else.

7. Buy something valuable.

Whether it be a phone, a computer, a TV, a tablet, or a designer bag, treat yourself. Embrace your inner responsible adult by buying something you could never afford in college and then be responsible for that item. It will be good practice for having a child. Okay, not really, but whatever.

8. Call friends and family.

No one calls people anymore. We just tweet, text, and... well that's about it since Facebook wall writing is now a thing of the past. We don't listen to people anymore, so our conversations are completely impersonal. When someone is being nice, we sometimes mistake them for being rude and of course never say anything because it's just a text. This year, take a few minutes every week (or couple of weeks) to call people. Of course face to face communication is ideal, but if you have to resort to something else and you really want to catch up with someone -- or keep up with someone -- give them a call.

9. Relax.

Stop planning something for every second of every day and take a break. It's okay to sit on the couch and watch trashy TV once in a while. It's okay to go to bed early to catch up on sleep on a weekend night. It's okay to do absolutely nothing for an entire weekend once in a while. In fact, it's almost necessary at this point in our lives. Take a minute or two to sit down and not think every once in a while. You'll appreciate the lack of stress in your life a lot more than you did back in college.