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德国总理默克尔滑雪摔伤 取消部分行程


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has fractured a bone in her pelvis in a cross-country skiing accident in Switzerland, her spokesman says.

She will have to remain lying down as much as possible in the next three weeks and several visits will be cancelled, Steffen Seibert said.

She also suffered heavy bruising in the accident, in the alpine Engadine region of eastern Switzerland. Ms Merkel was not skiing fast at the time, the spokesman added. He called the injury "severe bruising linked with a partial fracture on the left, rear part of the pelvis".

德国总理默克尔滑雪摔伤 取消部分行程

Ms Merkel still intends to chair a cabinet meeting on Wednesday - the first gathering of all her coalition ministers. She is now walking with the aid of crutches.

But mostly she will be working from home. She has cancelled a trip to Poland this week and will not receive Luxembourg's new prime minister Xavier Bettel in Berlin, the spokesman said.

Ms Merkel's injury comes just days after fellow German Michael Schumacher's life-threatening skiing accident in France.