4. 练习。 找一位愿意听你练习推销的朋友或信得过的同事。马特森建议,在将自己的创意呈献给决策者之前,重复练习六次。他说:“前一两次的主要任务是解决陈述创意所用的方式。到第六次的时候,你就能用切实可信的言语推销自己的创意。”
5. Get others to weigh in. "Successful selling isn't 'I, ' it's 'we, '" Mattson says. "Our subconscious can tell one from the other even if our conscious mind doesn't. People want to be part of a solution. So include their suggestions in your idea." Not only will that probably make the idea even better, but you'll still get the credit for having gotten the ball rolling.
5. 融入其他人的观点。 马特森说:“成功的推销不能以‘我’为主体,而是‘我们’。即便显意识并未进行区分,但从潜意识仍能分辨出你的陈述是以‘我’还是‘我们’为主体。每个人都希望能成为解决问题的一份子。所以,在自己的创意中融入他们的建议。”这样做不仅能让自己的创意更加完善,你也会因为推动了项目而获得声誉。
6. Start with a problem statement. First, state the problem: "I've noticed there's an issue with X." Advises Mattson, "Keep it short and concise. Then suggest two or three alternative solutions and see how people respond." The end result will almost always be "some hybrid of what you've said it should be," he adds. "People love to edit what you say, so give them something to work on."
6. 从陈述问题开始。马特森建议,首先,陈述问题:“我注意到,某方面存在一个问题。”“陈述要简明扼要。然后建议两三个备选选择方案,观察一下人们的反应。”他补充道,最终的结果几乎都是:“某个根据你提出的愿景的混合方案。人们喜欢修改其他人的话,所以不妨给他们一些事情做。”
7. Point to an impartial authority. Make your case, where possible, by mentioning a survey or article by some third party who has no skin in the game. "Getting backup for your position from a trusted source gives you extra credibility," Mattson says.
7. 以公正的权威作为支持。如果可行,利用没有利益关系的第三方调查或文章来证明自己的观点。马特森说:“从可靠来源为自己的观点获得支持,能够为你带来额外的可信度。”
8. Give praise where it's due. Most people are starved for praise and recognition, Mattson notes, and making it a habit to notice a task well done will make people more likely to listen to you when it's your turn. "You have to be sincere, of course," he adds. "But most people get so little appreciation for what they do that the simple act of noticing can make them more likely to listen to you."
8. 不要吝啬自己的赞扬。马特森表示,大多数人都渴望赞扬和认可。平时多赞美其他人完成的出色任务,把它变成一种习惯。如此一来,在立场互换的时候,他们也会更愿意倾听你的陈述。他补充说:“当然,你必须要真诚。不过,大多数人的工作很少能够得到别人的赞赏,所以即便只是‘赞赏’这样一个简单的举动,也能赢得他们真诚的倾听。”
9. Take a personal interest. Mattson keeps what he calls a "fuzzy file" on people he encounters regularly, so that "if I see an article somewhere about a new kind of ski, I know to send it along to someone I know is a ski buff, for instance," he says. "Showing some interest in who people are outside of the office makes a powerful impression."
9. 了解别人的个人爱好。对于经常遇到的人,马特森有一份所谓的“模糊档案”。比如,他说:“如果我看到一篇关于新型滑雪板的文章,就会把它转发给某个人,因为我知道他是一位滑雪爱好者。对于人们在工作之外的生活表现出一定的兴趣,会给人留下深刻的印象。”
10. Repeat steps No. 1 through 9 regularly. "If you only do these little things once a year leading up to evaluation time, it'll be really hard, you'll take everything too personally, and you'll hate it," Mattson points out. "You need to get in the habit of doing them all through the year, a little bit at a time, but all the time."
10. 经常重复第1至第9步。马特森指出:“对于这些小事而言,如果你只是在每年绩效评估之前做一次而已,那将会变得很艰难——你会让所有事情都带上过多的个人色彩,进而感到厌恶。你应该一直坚持做这些事情,养成习惯,每次做一点,但不要放弃。”
Notice, if you will, that none of these requires being pushy, arrogant, or otherwise jerky -- quite the opposite, in fact -- but selling oneself does call for "reinforcement," Mattson says, "which can only come with time."
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