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Sure, we’ve all heard that we should get more sleep. The realities of life sometimes get in the way of that, and it becomes “we should get more sleep later.” There is either more work to be done, or more fun to be had, or both. The only downside is that you wake up the next day feeling like a cast member of The Walking Dead.的确,“保持充足睡眠”这种话我们听过无数次。但现实生活常常阻碍我们的睡眠大计,然后就变成了“我们应该待会儿再睡”,因为要么还有很多工作没做,要么还有很多有趣的事情等着我们,要么是两者兼而有之。(休息不足)唯一的缺点是第二天起床时就感觉自己像是《行尸走肉》里的演员。

Here are five ways you can hack your biology in order to pay less of a price for staying up longer.


Move around

Exercising before bed is a sure way to keep yourself awake. That’s why you should not do it when you actually want to go to sleep, and it is also why hitting the gym, or even some fast push-ups can tell your body that it’s not time for bed. This isn’t permission to treat yourself to an intense CrossFit style high-intensity workout right before bed; that is likely to make you more tired. Being physically exhausted isn’t fun when you are trying to stay up late. Just do enough to get energized.

Drink the right stuff

It’s tempting to switch to sugary caffeine bombs like Red Bull, but the sugar will lead to a crash. Instead, if you are going to use caffeine, drinking early in the evening so it will wear off by the time you want to sleep. When you stay up late, your blood sugar fluctuates more than normal anyway. Don’t make it worse by drinking sugar.

It pains me to say this, because half the reason you are staying up late may be to enjoy a few alcoholic beverages, but alcohol is unlikely to keep you awake. One drink will cause a brief energy burst as it releases cellular energy, but more than one is going to make you sleepy.