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2014已至 值得考虑的新年理财计划

Think you don't have enough money to save for retirement? Track your spending habits over one month and try to find 2% of your expenses that you can use for 401(k) contributions, says Mr. Smith.

Get an insurance checkup: One way to save money on premiums is to package most of your insurance coverage (home, auto, valuables) under one carrier, says Robert Courtemanche, chairman of ACE Private Risk Services. If your home has risen in value, have it appraised so you'll know the full replacement value.
检验保险计划: ACE Private Risk Services的董事长罗伯特・库特芒希(Robert Courtemanche)称,一个节省保费的方法是将大部分保险项目(房产、汽车、贵重物品)一并转到同一家保险公司。如果你的房产已经升值,可请人进行评估以了解完整的重置价值。

Review your portfolio: With the sharp run-up in the stock market this year, equities likely make up a much larger portion of your portfolio than they did before the rally. Adjusting your stock allocation is critical, if only to reduce your exposure to a future downturn.

'You just want to make sure that your asset allocation is appropriate for your age and your personal goals,' says Ms. Pratt. Generally speaking, the older are, the less of your portfolio you want in stocks.

'Make sure you're taking into account your age, your risk aversion, your personal goals [and] alternatives if you don't make those goals. Will you have to wait longer to retire?' She warns against actively managed funds, which charge relatively high fees, in favor of low-cost index funds. And if you're not an experienced investor, she says, stay away from day trading.

Create an emergency fund: According to a 2012 Bankrate.com survey, 28% of Americans have no emergency savings for events like a car breaking down, an unexpected house repair or a job loss. Finicity's Mr. Smith advises a fund equal to three months of living expenses.