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Thinking about quitting your job? A new app aims to relieve the stress and anxiety of confronting the boss by sending a text for you.

The Quit Your Job app takes users through a series of steps to determine why they are leaving.
这款名为Quit Your Job(不想干了)的应用通过一系列的步骤帮助用户列出决定离职的原因。

It then creates a message and sends it straight to your boss - and helpfully even shows you other jobs available.


"Despite all the advances in technology we still quit our jobs the same way we did hundreds of year ago," said Alex Douzet, chief executive officer of TheLadders, a New York-based employment company that produces the app.

"There's a lot of anxiety around the resignation process, so we used technology to ease the pain in that moment and make it seamless to breakup with your boss," he added.

Alex said the first few months of a new year are the busiest time for job searches.

Many people wait for their end-of-year bonuses before making a move to a new position.

"It always correlates with New Year's resolutions. People think ‘I'm not happy and want to make a move.’" he said.

Quit Your Job was inspired by another app called BreakupText.
这款Quit Your Job(不想干了)应用受到了另一款名为BreakupText(分手吧)应用的启发。

BreakupText, which lets users leave their significant others via a text message, costs 99 cents and is available for the iPhone.

With Quit Your Job, after sending their resignation users can browse open positions on another app called, Job Search by TheLadders, which targets positions based on the user's job profile and career goals.
通过这款Quit Your Job,在发送辞职短信之后,用户可以用TheLadders旗下的另一款应用Job Search(找工作)搜索招聘岗位;它会根据用户的工作简历和职业目标搜寻。

"It's an experiment to see if people will actually use it seriously. If thousands of people download the app and only one ends up using it seriously, that's interesting because it's changing behaviors," he said.

Alex added that before leaving a job people should have another one lined up.