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But I find it hard not to laugh at the moral outrage of news publishers whose muckraking is outflanked by cute cat videos. As long as media buyers and advertisers do not distinguish among consumers who find news through search engines and those who are drawn to entertainment through Facebook likes and Twitter mentions, all free content will compete equally and volume will win.

The reality is that Gawker and sites such as Mail Online, drawn from the UK tabloid tradition, face being hoist by their own petard. Having defined success by how many clicks they gain for sensational stories, they find that someone else has invented a better traffic trap (although the fast-growing Mail Online still beats BuzzFeed on number of visitors).
现实是Gawker及脱胎于英国小报传统的Mail Online这类网站正面临自食其果的窘境。它们原本以轰动性报道所获点击率来衡量报道的成功程度,如今他们却发现,其他人发明了比他们更吸引点击量的的东西(尽管快速成长的Mail Online访问人数依然打败了BuzzFeed)。

The inventor is Jonah Peretti, co-founder of the Huffington Post and founder of BuzzFeed. From an early experience of a viral email exchange with Nike when he tried to have the word “sweatshop” printed on a pair of running shoes, he has become a pioneer of digital word-of-mouth.
这种策略是由《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)共同创始人、BuzzFeed网站创始人乔纳•佩雷蒂(Jonah Peretti)发明的。当初,他曾试图在一对跑鞋上印上“血汗工厂(sweatshop)”一词,当时他与耐克(Nike)之间的病毒式电子邮件往来经历,令他成为数字化口碑式传播的先锋。

His insight was that sharing works differently from search. Search is a way to discover information, whereas sharing is prompted by emotion. People read all kinds of material but they mostly share stories or videos that create positive reactions, such as laughter; or actively negative ones, such as anger.