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免费wifi覆盖全球 美国公司计划造福全人类


You might think you have to pay through the nose at the moment to access the Internet.

But one ambitious organisation called the Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) is planning to turn the age of online computing on its head by giving free web access to every person on Earth.

Known as Outernet, MDIF plans to launch hundreds of satellites into orbit by 2015.
MDIF公司这个名叫“外联网” 的项目,计划到2015年向近地轨道发射数百颗卫星。

免费wifi覆盖全球 美国公司计划造福全人类

Using something known as datacasting technology, which involves sending data over wide radio waves, the New York-based company says they'll be able to broadcast the Internet around the world.

The Outernet team claim that only 60% of the world's population currently have access to the wealth of knowledge that can be found on the Internet.
“外联网” 项目团队表示,全球只有60%的人口有机会接触到网络提供的丰富资源和知识。

This is because, despite a wide spread of Wi-FI devices across the globe, many countries are unable or unwilling to provide people with the infrastructure needed to access the web.
这是因为虽然全球范围内Wi-FI 电子设备广泛使用,但很多国家无法或不愿意为人民提供无线网连接的基础设施。

The company's plan is to launch hundreds of low-cost miniature satellites, known as cubesats, into low Earth orbit. Using a technique known as User Datagram Protocol (UDP) multitasking, which is the sharing of data between users on a network, Outernet will beam information to users.