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身体发肤受之父母 我们为什么会以貌取人


With some regularity we hear about the latest beauty-pageant contestant who has responded to a softball of a question with an epic fail of a mistake, a bizarre opinion or an incoherent ramble. There's the Panamanian contestant who believed that Confucius invented the philosophy of 'Confusion, ' the Miss Hawaii who described the U.S. only in terms of the 'rocky shores' and 'sandy beaches' of Hawaii, and the Miss South Carolina Teen USA who explained that Americans don't know enough geography because too many people can't afford maps.

Ridiculous. But what's even more ridiculous is that our brains bias us toward believing such people -- just because they're good-looking.

身体发肤受之父母 我们为什么会以貌取人

The German poet Friedrich Schiller wrote, 'Physical beauty is the sign of an interior beauty, a spiritual and moral beauty.' His belief seems odd if you've ever seen a portrait of Schiller: His prominent schnozzola would have knocked him out of the 1788 edition of People Magazine's 'Sexiest Man Alive.'
德国诗人弗里德里希·席勒(Friedrich Schiller)曾写道:“外表美是内在美、精神美和道德美的标志。”他的这个观点显得有些奇怪——如果你看过他的肖像的话:如果1788年有《人物杂志》(People Magazine)“在世最性感男人”榜单,他那显眼的大鼻子应该会让他落选。

In the years since, research has shown that from an early age -- in both sexes and across numerous cultures -- attractive people are judged to be smarter, kinder, more honest and trustworthy. Obviously, our bias toward thinking that 'what is beautiful is good' makes for some bad mating decisions.

In politics, we are also more likely to believe and vote for people who are attractive. Ditto for hiring them. And when it comes to ostensibly blind justice, numerous studies from the 1970s through '90s found that more-attractive individuals are less likely to be convicted of crimes and, if convicted, receive shorter-than-average sentences for the crime.