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女人必知 男人最爱的那9种女人

5.Men fall in love with women who pick "the right time" to have sex. When is the right time? It can be any time, but it should be a time when you know deep down that it's right and that he agrees. When a man likes you, he will not be looking to "lay" you; he will be looking to make love to you.
5. 男人爱会选择“恰当时间”进行性爱的女人。什么时候才是恰当时间呢?任何时候都可能是恰当时间,只要你确实知道它很恰当而且他也同意。如果一个男人喜欢你,他就不会不理你,他很愿意“疼爱”你。