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6. Create a timeline associated with your goals. Although it’s one thing to write a list of goals, it’s another to add a timeline to them. Sani says: “Sometimes writing out your plan puts it into perspective and by creating a timeline, your goals become more attainable and you hold yourself accountable to achieving those goals.”
6. 创建和目标相关的时间表。写下一串目标是一回事,定好完成它们的时间是另一回事。萨尼说:“写出计划有时只是让你注意到它,创建时间表让你的目标更容易达成,你也会用心实现这些目标。”

7. After a job interview, send a handwritten note instead of an email. Sani says: “This may take a few days longer but it lets your interviewer know that you care and while everyone else is just clicking 'reply,' you're taking the time to write a personalized note.”
7. 面试后,手写感谢信而不是用电子邮件发。萨尼说:“这样面试官会晚几天时间收到,但它可以让面试官知道你很重视,当其他人只是点击“回复邮件”时,你花时间认真写了回信。”

8. Add personality to your résumé by including hobbies and interests. Here’s why: Companies want to know more about you than just your work history. These things will make you stand out, plus they serve as talking points during the interview. Besides, people want to hire someone they can see themselves chatting with at the water cooler.
8. 把爱好和兴趣写到简历中增加个人特色。理由是这样的:公司想知道更多你自己的内容而不只是工作经历。这些事情会让你脱颖而出,它们也会是面试时的亮点。此外,人们想雇佣的是那些在办公室能聊得起来的人。

9. Get more involved with your industry. This speaks volumes about your dedication to your career. Whether you join industry associations or create a blog on Tumblr about your industry, it shows potential employers that you care about advancing your career and want to have a voice within your industry.
9. 更融入你的行业。这能说明你很敬业。不管是加入行业协会还是在Tumblr上注册博客了解行业,都会告诉潜在雇主,你关心自己职业生涯的发展,希望能在行业中成为有分量的权威。

10. Learn a new skill. If you’re looking to advance within your current company, you can find a skill gap within your company and become the resident expert on that topic. Showing that you are proactive by educating yourself on a new or changing business trend is a quality that all employers value.
10. 学习一项新技能。如果你想在目前的公司有发展,可以找找公司里的技能空缺,并成为这方面专家。积极自学新的或有挑战性的业务是所有雇主都看重的品质。