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Amateur filmmaker Tatia Pilieva has captured that most transient of human interactions on YouTube - the first kiss - in a touching video that reveals the wave of nerves and laughter it seems to bring us.
业余电影制作人Tatia Pilieva 用一个动人的YouTube视频捕获了短暂的人际互动:初吻。短片揭露了陌生人间的初吻带来的阵阵紧张和笑声。

Strangers were paired off and given no instruction other than to lock lips, with the seconds proceeding the kiss proving as interesting as the kiss itself.

"We're going to kiss," one volunteer tells her partner, who replies with a look of eagerness/trepidation/panic: "I know!"
一个志愿者对她的小伙伴说:“我们就要亲吻了!” 对方回应:“我知道!”,对方的表情有急切、害怕也有恐慌。

YouTube热门<a href=http://wwW.hxen.net/englishvideo/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>视频</a>:有爱的陌生人初吻

"You have nice eyes," another offers to fill the silence, to the response: "Thank you, so do you" and much awkward laughter.
另一位志愿者是这么打破沉默的:“你的眼睛真漂亮。” 对方回应:“谢谢,你也是”,接着就尴尬地笑了。

Many volunteers repeatedly ask whether the camera is rolling and whether they should just go for it, psyching themselves up for the matter at hand.

The video seems to have had a medicinal effect on viewers, many of whom said it had "made their morning".

"A fruit salad of emotions! A little funny, awkward and touching," one wrote, with another adding: "I love videos that show such vulnerable true human emotion."
一个人评论:“好多情感夹杂啊!有点好玩、有点尴尬又触动人心。” 另一个人接着评论:“我太爱这种展示微妙的人类情感的视频。”