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'We simply don't have the technology today, at the level of cognitive neuroscience, to really know the precise content of a person's thought or emotion,' Mr. Baron says.

Israel has become an epicenter of the new technology largely because of its role as an incubator for security-focused technology. Nemesysco markets to security companies and law-enforcement agencies, as well as insurance companies and other corporate clients.

Britain's Department of Work and Pension bought some of Nemesysco's software to help it detect benefit fraud in 2007, but it says it discontinued the contract after three years after inconclusive results.
英国就业及退休保障部(Department for Work and Pension)在2007年购入Nemesysco的一部分软件,来帮助它侦测骗取福利的行为。但该部表示,三年过后因为检测结果不确定,便中止了合同。

Nemesysco founder Amir Liberman says his firm has come up with 120 vocal parameters that correlate with human emotions. Using algorithms, Mr. Liberman says the technology can pick up 'patterns and abnormalities' and classify them as related to emotional states like stress, excitement and confusion. He says the technology's benefits far outweigh any perceived infringement on personal privacy.
Nemesysco创始人阿米尔・利伯曼(Amir Liberman)说,他的公司已经确定了120个与人类情感相关的语音参数。利伯曼说,通过算法,这项技术可以甄别出一些“特定的模式和异常情况”,进而确认它们是否与紧张、兴奋、疑惑等情绪状态有关。他说,该技术的好处远远胜过一些人眼中个人隐私受到的侵犯。

EmoSpeech, a startup based in Puebla, Mexico, and Cambridge, Mass., sells its voice-analysis product to call centers in Mexico. It promises an ability to identify four basic emotional states: happiness, anger, impatience and neutrality. The company is targeting call centers in the U.S., says Chief Executive Miriam Reyes.
总部在墨西哥普埃布拉(Puebla)和美国马萨诸塞州坎布里奇(Cambridge)的初创公司EmoSpeech向墨西哥的呼叫中心出售其语音分析产品。它承诺能够辨别出快乐、愤怒、烦躁、中性这四种情绪状态。EmoSpeech首席执行长米丽娅姆・雷耶斯(Miriam Reyes)说,公司正在面向美国的呼叫中心进行推销。

Beyond Verbal, the company behind the Moodies smartphone app, says its software analyzes speech components like timing, energy, frequency and spectral content to produce data that can then be run through its algorithms.
推出Moodies应用的Beyond Verbal公司说,该软件通过分析节奏、能量、频率和频谱内容等语音成分来生成数据,然后用自己的算法来进行加工。

Founded in 2012, Beyond Verbal's main business is selling layered-voice-analysis software to companies in the call-center business. The company recently closed a $2.8 million funding round led by prominent Kazakhstan-based angel investor Kenges Rakishev.
Beyond Verbal成立于2012年,主要业务是向做呼叫中心业务的企业出售深层语音分析软件。最近该公司完成了一轮280万美元的融资,牵头的是哈萨克斯坦知名天使投资家肯格斯・拉基谢夫(Kenges Rakishev)。

Dan Emodi, Beyond Verbal's vice president for marketing and strategic accounts, says the software is based on more than three years of research. Based on user feedback, he says, the smartphone app has an accuracy rate of 80%.
Beyond Verbal负责营销与战略客户的副总裁丹・埃默迪(Dan Emodi)说,该软件基于三年多的研究。他说,从用户反馈判断,这款智能手机应用软件有80%的准确率。

As for any privacy concerns, he says, 'Our responsibility is the people we work with, the partners we choose.' But he does acknowledge there 'is no technological way for us to prevent anyone from taking our product and activating it on somebody else without their knowledge.'