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In one study, 858 mice were fed one of 25 diets with differing ratios of protein to carbohydrates. Those that ate higher ratios of protein were leaner. But they didn't live as long. 'Median life span increased (by about 30%) from about 95 weeks to 125 weeks as the protein-to-carbohydrate ratio decreased,' said the study, conducted by researchers in Australia. 'Our results show that healthy aging is not achieved in mice fed high protein diets.'

Of course, mice aren't human. Indeed, the Australian researchers acknowledge that the same results may not be achieved in a different strain of mice.

The second study followed 6,381 adult humans for 18 years after they completed a nationally administered survey on their food consumption over a 24-hour period. It divided the subjects into three groups: high-protein consumption (20% or more of calories from protein), moderate-protein consumption (10% to 19% from protein) and low-protein consumption (less than 10%).
第二项研究则在18年的时间里对6,381位成年人进行了追踪调查,在此之前所有受访者都完成了一项有关他们在24小时时间段内食物摄取的全国性问卷调查。该研究将受访者划分为三类:高蛋白摄取(有20%或以上的卡路里来自蛋白质)者,中等蛋白摄取(有10% 到 19%的卡路里来自蛋白质)者以及低蛋白摄取(不到10%的卡路里来自蛋白质)者。

In the 50-to-65 age range, 'subjects in the high protein group had a 74% increase in their relative risk of all-cause mortality, and were more than four times as likely to die of cancer when compared with those in the low-protein group,' the researchers reported.

One prominent diet expert and high-protein opponent, physician Ron Rosedale, saw the studies as vindicating his longtime warning about the risks of excessive protein. But Dr. Rosedale, who advocates a diet high in so-called healthy fats such as those found in avocados, argues that high levels of carbohydrate consumption are no less dangerous. 'If people take these studies as a thumbs up for high carbohydrates, that's missing the point,' he said.
著名饮食专家及高蛋白反对论者、医师罗恩・罗斯代尔(Ron Rosedale)长期以来就对蛋白质摄取量过多发出了警告,他认为上述研究正好证明了他的警告是对的。罗斯代尔博士提倡一种含有高健康脂肪的饮食,这种所谓的健康脂肪常见于诸如鳄梨这样的食物中。罗斯代尔声称,高水平的碳水化合物摄取量所带来的风险跟高蛋白饮食不相上下。他说:“如果人们将这些研究当成是对高碳水化合物饮食的赞许,那就是没有抓住要旨。”