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Facebook announced they're acquiring Oculus Rift, a virtual reality platform, for $2 billion.
Facebook宣布斥资20亿美元收购虚拟现实技术厂商Oculus Rift。

Yes, the social network is buying a VR helmet-maker.

The dominant reaction to the move could be summed up in three letters: WTF.
这一压倒性收购行动可以用三个字母总结:看未来(WTF:Watch The Future)。


We see the acquisition of a piece with recent moves by other technology companies. Google bought Nest, a home automation/robotics company, and a passel of robotics companies. Apple is negotiating with Comcast about building out a TV service on the cable company's pipes. And Facebook itself recently has supposedly been in talks to buy a drone maker.

What do they all have in common?

All these moves are about technology companies looking to create businesses off the computer/mobile screen. In a world where smartphone sales growth is going to level off soon, where social networking growth has already slowed, where everyone already uses Google ... where do companies go to continue the revenue growth that is baked into their current share prices?

Maybe they go after a share of TV money, or bet on the Internet of Things, or get in early with the explosion of consumer robotics.

These massively valuable companies need to grab some land in whatever big technology wave comes next. And they are starting to buy where they think the fertile territory is.