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Q: Do you think of yourself as someone smart enough to pick winners in the stock market?

A: Well, I actually think I'm smart enough to pick winners. I've always believed in value investing. Some stocks just get talked about, and people pay all sorts of attention to them, and everyone wants to invest in them, and they bid the price up and they are no longer a good buy. Other stocks, they are boring. There is no news about them-they are making toilet paper or something like that-and their price gets too low. So as a matter of routine, you buy low-priced stocks and sell high-priced stocks.

Q: When you look at housing, do you think that the world has changed in that people don't regard it as a sure-thing investment because of what we went through?

A: You referred to an idea that housing is a great investment. But I think if you go back in history that was not the conventional wisdom. You stop a man on the street in 1875 or 1950 and say, 'I'm going to buy a bunch of houses and invest in them. What do you think?' I think the usual response the guy would give is, 'Are you sure about that? There's a lot of maintenance. They're going to go out of style.' If you can create a business renting them out, maybe it's a great investment. But just betting on their price going up, I don't know. I think that was an idea that took hold particularly during the early years of the 21st century.

Ultimately, people are motivated by human-interest stories about somebody who did something amazing because those stories are more resonant, they create a sense of envy and competitiveness. If I've heard stories about someone who bought condos or houses and flipped them and made a huge amount of money, and I think to myself I could have done that, it generates emotional turmoil that drives you to do it. So I'm thinking that's kind of what was happening in the housing market in the early 2000s and in the stock market in the 1990s.

Q: We've seen an extraordinary period where the gap has widened between winners and losers in society. What should we do about that?

A: We should start preparing for a day, maybe 10 or 20 years in the future, when inequality may be much worse. We don't yet know whether it's going to be worse. We should have a contingency plan now. The simple idea I have is raising the taxes on the rich, which sounds like the most politically inexpedient move right now, but the nice thing is that when you talk to people about risks of the distant future, they are more idealistic and more sharing in their attitudes.

Q: Winning the Nobel Prize does guarantee the first line of your obit, but it also gives you a kind of exalted status: What you say must be more true than what other people say. Do you worry about that at all?

A: A little bit. I think that economics is not an exact science. It tends to be politicized. It happens when I'm interviewed in occasions like this, I have a sense that you expect me to come up with answers for every one of your questions. But maybe I should say, 'I don't know' more often. At this year's Nobel ceremony, I was impressed that [co-winner] Gene Fama said 'I don't know' a lot. He kind of avoids the media, so maybe I could learn a lesson from him.
答:有一点点担心。我认为经济学不是一门精密的科学,它往往被政治化。我在这样的场合接受采访时那种事就发生了。我的感觉是,你期待我对你的每一个问题都给出答案,但也许我应该更多地说“我不知道”。在今年的诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼上,我印象很深的是,(共同获奖人)吉恩・法马(Gene Fama)说了很多“我不知道”。他有点回避媒体,因此我也许可以向他学习学习