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Reading these days is often a few minutes on the phone in the grocery-store line, not an hour curled up with a book on the couch. This quick-hit reading is sparking a renewed interest in the art of speed reading.

People read more than ever on mobile devices and usually in 10-minute bursts, according to research by e-reading subscription services. To tap into this, there's a revival in traditional speed-reading classes as well as new apps that promise to make reading on a small screen easier.

(How fast do you read? Time yourself and try speed-reading tips in an interactive.)

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When Brett Kirby, age 33, reads the news in the morning, he doesn't grab a newspaper or browse a website. He picks up his phone and has his articles flashed to him, one word at a time, 650 words a minute.
早上读新闻的时候,33岁的布雷特·柯比(Brett Kirby)不看报纸也不看网站。他拿着手机,让文章在眼前一个词一次、一分钟650个词地闪现。

Mr. Kirby, a research fellow in medicine at Duke University, is a beta-tester for Spritz, a mobile app that claims to help people read faster without the bother of classes.
柯比是杜克大学(Duke University)的药学研究员,他这样做是在为手机应用“Spritz”进行β测试。这款应用声称有助于人们不去上速读课就能够提高阅读速度。

Promises of blazing through 'War and Peace' have been around since the Evelyn Wood speed-reading classes of the 1960s, and demand for in-person classes is growing, says Paul Nowak, founder of Iris Reading LLC, a Chicago-based company that hosts similar courses. Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics, based in Mission, Kan., still offers workshops, DVDs and other resources, though it is smaller than its heyday. (Calls to its offices weren't returned.)
芝加哥速读课程公司Iris Reading LLC的创始人保罗·诺瓦克(Paul Nowak)说,从20世纪60年代伊夫琳·伍德(Evelyn Wood)开办速读课以来,就一直有人允诺可以让人们迅速读完《战争与和平》(War and Peace),对于当面授课课程的需求也在增长。堪萨斯州米逊市(Mission)的“伊夫琳·伍德阅读动态公司”(Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics)仍然在提供速读培训班、DVD和其他资源,不过赶不上它全盛时期的规模了。(打给该公司办公室的电话没有得到回复。)

Spritz Technology Inc. co-founder and CEO Frank Waldman says using the app is a more modern way of reading. The company's goal isn't to help undergraduates cram for exams, he says, but to change how people keep up with mobile news. 'You wouldn't really want to read classic lit or Shakespeare on [Spritz],' he says. 'We want to work on focused reading on the go.' Samsung Group's new Galaxy S5 phone and Gear 2 smartwatch come with the Spritz app preloaded.
Spritz Technology Inc.的联合创始人兼CEO弗兰克·瓦尔德曼(Frank Waldman)说,利用应用软件是一种更加现代的阅读方式。他说,公司的目标不是帮助本科生突击备考,而是改变人们随时阅读手机新闻的方式。他说:“你不会真的想拿Spritz来阅读古典文学或莎士比亚。我们是想解决移动过程中集中精力阅读的问题。”三星集团(Samsung Group)的新手机Galaxy S5和智能手表Gear 2预装了Spritz应用。

The average college graduate reads about 250 words a minute, says Michael Masson, professor of psychology at the University of Victoria in Canada. A 7-year-old reads about 80 words a minute, while a sixth-grader reads about 185 words a minute. People who use Velocity, a $2.99 iPhone and iPad app that launched in September tend to go with its default speed of 300 words a minute, says the app's co-creator Matthew Bischoff. But 400 and 500 words a minute are also popular presets.
SpritzSpritz应用旨在帮助人们提高阅读速度。这款应用按照用户选择的速度向他们闪现文字。加拿大维多利亚大学(University of Victoria)心理学教授迈克尔·梅森(Michael Masson)说,大学毕业生平均每分钟阅读250个词左右,七岁儿童每分钟读80个词左右,六年级学生每分钟阅读185个词左右。iPhone及iPad应用“Velocity”(2013年9月份发布,2.99美元)联合开发者马修·比肖夫(Matthew Bischoff)说,使用这款应用的人往往采用其每分钟300词的默认速度,但也有很多人预设为每分钟400词到500词。

Spritz says its studies show people who were reading 250 words a minute sped up to reading 400 words a minute after using Spritz for 20 minutes with no loss in comprehension.

Can you really boost your reading speed so much so quickly? Going from 250 to 400 isn't beyond the realm of possibility, says Dr. Masson. But in general, comprehension gets worse the faster people read, he says.

In a 1987 seminal study on speed reading, Dr. Masson tested the text comprehension of three groups: people reading at a normal speed (about 240 words a minute); people skimming at 600 words a minute; and people who had taken an Evelyn Wood course and read through the text at 700 words a minute. (The three groups read on a TV monitor.)

The skimmers and speed-readers did much worse at answering comprehension questions afterward, especially ones about specifics or technical material. 'One can have the impression of being able to immediately identify what those words are, but if they are going by at such a high rate, it's virtually impossible' to come away with coherent ideas from the text, Dr. Masson says.