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When things get busy, we all have tasks we put off. Sometimes items end up delayed out of necessity. If you are putting off the right things, it can be a good move to reduce your workload. But if you procrastinate on the wrong tasks, you might be setting yourself up for trouble later. So, what tasks should you avoid putting on your back burner?

We all put tasks aside at some point. Sometimes it is for good reason when prioritizing your workload. For example, if the item is not a priority, then it should wait. Other times, we put things on the back burner merely because we are trying to avoid them.


Maybe it is something you don't want to do. Or something you think you are not ready for yet. In these situations, putting things on the back burner that shouldn't be there can lead to trouble down the road. Important tasks can be forgotten, chances missed, and bigger issues created.

"Putting off the wrong tasks can cause you to miss opportunities, incur penalties, or create more work for yourself." In other words, putting them off will cause even more difficulties than if you had dealt with them in the first place.“拖延了不该拖延的事情会让你错失良机、自食其果或者是给自己带来更多的事情。”换句话说,如果你早点做这些事情,它们就不会给你造成这么多的麻烦了。

Ask yourself, "What do I have on the back burner?" Putting things on the back burner is not always a bad thing. If the item is of lesser priority or is a task that you really shouldn't be doing, then it can be appropriate to put it off.
问问你自己:“我手上有哪些处于次要地位的事情?” 拖后做一些事情有时候也是一件好事。如果一件事没那么重要或者你现在真的不适合做某一件事,把这件事情拖后是很合理的。

However, when it is an important task, the back burner is a bad place for it. After all, being on the back burner leads to the task being out-of-sight, and out-of-mind. We tend to forget, ignore, or plain disregard the things we put off. For those reasons, there are some tasks that you should avoid relegating to the back burner.

Here are 10 Tasks You Should Never Put on the Back Burner:

1. Tasks that Can't be Forgotten

Task that are out-of-sight don't get done. If it is important, don't put it on the back burner where it might be forgotten.

2. Quick To-dos

Never put off what you can do immediately. Don't put off tasks that you can complete in just a few moments. If it can be done in the same amount of time as it takes to put it off, then get it done now!

3. Safety Issues

Never put off safety issues. The item that you delay could end up hurting you or someone else. Always fix safety issues right away.

4. Tasks That Must be Done Today

If it needs to be done today, then get it done early. The back burner should be reserved for things that don't have to be addressed today and can sit idle for an unspecified time.

5. Opportunities That Will Pass

Have you ever put off a task that caused you to miss an opportunity? Never put off tasks that are time-sensitive or may expire. Many opportunities that come along have a limited shelf life. If you don't act on them, they might be gone when you return to them.