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4. Make A Schedule And Commit To It
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One of the most cited reasons to skip a workout goes something like this: "I am just too busy at work today; I can't make my yoga class." I call BS! If you unexpectedly had to pick up your child from school and had no back-up plan, how would you deal with the situation? Cancel an internal meeting? Take some work home with you? Do some hard prioritizing? The truth is that when we really need to, we get out of the office at the time that is necessary. Make a schedule (write it down if it helps!), stick to it and remind yourself that working out is a priority worth keeping.

5. Track Your Activity Levels

“If you don't measure it, it doesn't exist.” It's a slight exaggeration, yes, but this old saying really has some truth to it, especially when it comes to exercise. Make a note in your calendar every time you work out, and add up your workout sessions at the end of each week, month and year so you can monitor your progress and identify areas for improvement. Measuring your activity levels (and ideally keeping notes on your progress) can help you to stay on track and realize when you're slipping before you've completely lost the habit.

6. Choose Something Over Nothing

You don't need an hour -- or even 30 minutes -- to get a complete, effective workout. And some exercises is virtually always better than none. Heck, even seven minutes can make a difference! We can always find a few free minutes in our day (yes, we can!). With an effective program, and done frequently enough, short and speedy workouts can do wonders to both the body and mind. Squeeze in fitness wherever you are and no matter how much time you have with bodyweight exercises or, with the help of apps, pre-programmed short workouts -- you can even do some exercises at your desk!