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4. San Francisco 旧金山

Limited to its peninsula, San Francisco's scent is as sharply defined as its borders: soft clouds, smooth pine, sharp eucalyptus, and cold ocean. Depending on where you go, you can add to that mix grass and the heather-like smell of scrub (the hills); old wood used in the housing stock (especially on the block where the Painted Ladies stand); and a weird dry dampness that is cool and a little isolating. Sometimes the city's perfume is mixed with the heady scent of dry California desert. It may be the most beautiful-smelling skyline in the world.


3. New Orleans 新奥尔良

In my opinion, you could win the debate over whether Florida is part of the South just based on its smell. (It's not.) Meanwhile, New Orleans exudes the South's signature perfume from every street corner. It's a thick, soporific scent of humidity penetrating wood porches and plaster walls; dead moss; and the Mississippi's fresh water colliding with the brine of the Gulf. Old beer, frying fat, mud, and lush grass are all in there, too.


2. Pleasantville, NY 纽约欢乐谷

Money changes the smell of everything, and wealthy towns where people who want to flee New York's asphalt canyons go to have gardens and lawns have scents as restricted as the covenants guarding their real estate values. Maple, oak, and pine smell cyclically different as the seasons turn, and Pleasantville's scent is based on these trees and their leaves at all stages—green, yellow, dead brown, and budding. When you close your eyes you get grass and then the smell of "America as it was," whenever that might mean for your nose. If Normal Rockwell's paintings emitted a scent, this is what it would be.

金钱改变一切气味,富裕的城镇中,人们想逃离纽约这座柏油峡谷,这里的花园和草坪十分有限,气味十分有限。枫树、橡树和松树的味道随着四季的交替而不同,欢乐谷的气味和这些树以及所有生命阶段——绿色、黄色、枯萎以及刚刚萌芽的叶子息息相关。当你闭上眼睛,就能感觉到草丛,然后就能体会到“美国就是这个味儿”,如果诺曼·洛克威尔(Norman Rockwell)的画作会能散发出气味,那就一定是这种味道。

1. Los Angeles 洛杉矶

L.A. is one of the most bizarre places on Earth, and it has an equally singular smell. The clear, alluring track of its scent is arresting. There's the ocean breeze from Santa Monica that can travel as far East as Silver Lake; a dry desert air that comes West over Downtown and South Central; the astringent balm of eucalyptus, pine, honeysuckle, and jasmine from the hills; and car exhaust from catalytic converters, which is, in its strange industrial way, beautiful. It's like the jolt of a drug: shifting, comforting, cool like a blanket. The lonely smell of the marine layer burns off and you get this flashy perfume of hot asphalt, engines, and sun block that you can find nowhere but in L.A.


The Worst-Smelling 全球最差气味城市

Paris 巴黎

Let's just start off with the breath. The oral care standards of Parisians are utterly unlike any I've ever known. Thanks to their pack-or-more-a-day cigarette habits, every other person smells like smoke-cured human bacon. You smell coffee, but not the fresh stuff in the cup—the smell of it in someone's mouth four hours later. Then there's the repulsive odor that wafts from the RER train system. If Satan farted, it would be a little like this sulfurous cocktail of burning photocopies and fried electrical wires. Sure, the gourmand perfume of fresh croissants, butter, and baked flour spills onto the street. But take a few more steps and you're smacked in the face by the equally fresh smell of dog shit. If you close your eyes, you discover the marketing of Paris—that whole "city of light" garbage that's eagerly swallowed by tourists—is really nothing but a lie.
