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Different ways

Mayr also warns that you shouldn’t jump into cohabitation too early. She recounts the story of her friend who bought a house with her boyfriend early on in the relationship. Soon after, they realized they were not ready for that level of commitment and broke up.

According to a 2013 sociological study cited in The Atlantic, 74 percent of cohabiting women are “completely committed” to their partner, while only 59 percent of men said the same. This represents a large divide in expectations among cohabitants, which can often lead to relationship problems later on.

In order to bridge this gap, experts encourage couples to discuss their expectations with each other and ensure they have similar ideas about their relationship before taking any big steps.

Rebecca Baquet, a 24-year-old business manager from Louisiana, US, has been dating her boyfriend for two years but doesn’t want to move in with him. “I don’t want to live with him until we’re married to keep it as something to look forward to”, she says. “Otherwise, if you’re living together before you’re married there won’t be a difference in the way your normal lives operate and the significance of marriage is reduced.”

This shows cohabitation doesn’t necessarily work for everyone and there are many ways different people like to progress and evolve in their relationship.