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密码太多记不住 看管理密码的最佳利器


密码太多记不住 看管理密码的最佳利器

There's a war raging between hackers and companies, and you're caught in the crossfire. Every time a company gets hacked, you have to change your password. And don't you dare reuse it somewhere else.

Dreaming up a different password for every site and service is the only way to keep your stuff safe online, but it's also a gigantic nuisance. There's one thing you can -- and should -- do to help: Get a password manager program.

I have more than 150 different logins and counting. I'd have to be Rain Man to memorize that many passwords. So I went on a hunt for the best services for storing all my passwords, and whittled down the list to four that get the job done and offer enough security for most of us: 1Password, Dashlane, LastPass and PasswordBox.
我有150多个不同的登录名,这个数字还在增加。我必须成为雨人(Rain Man)才能记住那么多的密码。因此我开始寻找可以储存我所有密码的最好工具,最终将备选名单减少到四个:1Password、Dashlane、LastPass和PasswordBox。它们可以不辱使命并为我们大多数人提供足够的安全保证。

LastPass is a good choice for people who use newer technology like fingerprint scanners. For the really paranoid, 1Password offers the most control over where your encrypted vault of passwords gets stored.

For most people, I recommend Dashlane. It's simple, so you'll actually use it. It may even save you clicks.

But, wait -- isn't storing all your passwords in one place a terrible idea? It's better than reusing easily remembered passwords everywhere. Password managers hide your information behind a master password that only you know.

Nothing is 100% guaranteed, but all four of these managers take the additional security step of never sending your master password over the Internet. They're like a safety deposit box that a professional keeps without knowing what's inside, or even holding a key to open it.

In an age where more of our personal information lives, password protected, up in the cloud, we need defenses beyond antivirus software. Using a password manager is the next step.

Dashlane is like the memory you wish you had. It keeps track of not only passwords, but also credit card numbers and user IDs, filling them in when you need them across many different devices. It also keeps a helpful scorecard on the quality of your existing passwords, and nudges you to improve them.

Dashlane is free to use on any single device; a $30 annual subscription lets the Dashlane apps automatically sync your data across devices. You can try this premium service free for 30 days.

Setting up Dashlane is a pleasure. Its app slurps up the passwords that been saved unencrypted in your Web browser, and learns new ones as you type them. All of this gets protected by the master password, encrypted in a database on your computer or mobile device. Every time you start your computer or open the Dashlane app, you must log into the app with that master password. (You can make it ask for your password more often, like whenever your device is idle for too long.)

Dashlane uses an add-on to Web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari. When you're logging into a site Dashlane knows, it puts a small icon (a dashing impala) in the login box to let you know it can enter your username and password -- even your credit card number. If you tell it to, Dashlane will even press the 'login' button automatically. It doesn't work on every site, but does a better job than most.
Dashlane在网页浏览器上使用的是一个插件,适用的浏览器包括Chrome、火狐(Firefox)、IE(Internet Explorer)和苹果Safari。当你登录一个网站的时候,Dashlane是知道的,它会在登录框中放入一个小图标(一只奔跑的黑斑羚),以便让你知道它能够输入你的用户名和密码──甚至你的信用卡卡号。如果你令其这么做,Dashlane甚至会自动按下“登录”键。Dashlane的这种功能不是在每一个网站都能奏效,但比起其它大多数应用来效果好多了。

Along the way, Dashlane also tries to improve your security. When you're changing a password or starting a new account, it suggests a strong one that would confound even a supercomputer. And its colorful security scorecard cheerfully humiliates you into replacing weak or repeated passwords.