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记住微笑 保持微笑的五大好处

3) You Will Make Someone Else's Day
3. 能给别人一天好心情

When Mother Teresa said "Everytime you smile at someone, it is... a gift to that person, a beautiful thing" she was right. One study conducted by Hewlett Packard found that seeing another's smile stimulated the heart and brain more so than eating chocolate, having sex, or receiving money. This was particularly true when viewing the smile of a child. Additionally, research has demonstrated smiling may actually be contagious. Research published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology examined mimicry, the tendency to mimic the emotional expressions of those around us, and found that it is actually hard to frown when someone else is smiling.

4) Your Relationships Will Be Stronger
4. 微笑能增进感情

People who smile more may have longer and more successful marriages. A 2001 study by Keltner and Harker evaluated women's smiles in yearbook photos and found that those who had more prominent smiles were more satisfied with their marriages at age 52. A similar study published in 2009 found a correlation between smiles in photographs and divorce rates. The larger the smile, the less likely divorce was later in life. Conversely, those with the smallest smiles or no smiles, were five times more likely to be divorced. So what does the smile have to do with marriage? People who smile more tend to be more optimistic, joyful and emotionally stable which lends itself to healthier relationships.

5) Give a Boost to How Others Perceive You
5. 让别人对你印象更好

People who smile more are generally perceived to be more trustworthy, sincere, sociable and competent than their frowning peers. Additionally, a study by Orbit Complete found that 70 percent of people find women more attractive when they are smiling than when they are wearing makeup.
人们通常觉得爱笑的人比爱皱眉头的同事更可靠,真诚,善交际且有竞争力。另外,“Orbit Complete”做过一项研究,发现70%的人觉得女性笑起来的时候比化了妆更有魅力。

内容来自:和谐英语 http://www.kekenet.com/read/201405/302131.shtml