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An anonymous chalk art duo in Ohio is proving that guerrilla artworks can be the best purveyor of inspiration.

Their project, Dangerdust, brings famous quotes by the likes of Claude Debussy, J.M. Barrie and Nelson Mandela to the chalkboards of the Columbus College of Art & Design. Acting under their clever pseudonym, the unnamed seniors turn empty boards into works of typographical art, a feat that's earned them a few hundred followers on their newly opened Instagram account.


Dangerdust began as a way for the two Advertising & Graphic Design students to escape the rigamarole of school with a bit of late-night, extracurricular chalking. “When you’re working on long extended projects for graphic design classes it’s easy to… lose motivation,” one member explained in an interview. “I think we’re tired of the computer, and [chalking] gives us motivation.”
这个项目缘起于该校广告与平面设计专业的两名学生,他们厌倦了学校老师冗长的陈规教条,决定用一点深夜创作的课外粉笔画来挑战权威。“当你为了完成平面设计的课堂作业,耗费大量时间在一个冗长的项目上时,很容易失去原有的激情。” 二人组中的一个成员在一次采访中这样说到。“我觉得我们已经对电脑作画感到厌倦了,而粉笔画能重新激起我们的斗志。”

The duo's name comes out of a desire to put a comical twist on the fact that their artworks are technically acts of vandalism -- hence Dangerdust.