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3. Use it as a marketing opportunity to create brand awareness
3. 利用“快闪”店作为营造品牌认知度的机会

More companies are using pop-ups as a marketing tool for brand extension. By incorporating incentives for customers to share their experience on social media channels like Twitter and Facebook, companies can create a larger organic buzz about their brand. By analyzing social media chatter, a marketing team could examine word sentiment around their brand and look for new potential influences for future campaigns. A temporary physical setup also gives online brands a chance to make consumers aware of their online store, attracting local foot traffic they may not have otherwise had.

Technology-driven companies can also use a temporary space as a way to educate customers on what makes their product unique to the market.

"A sense of discovery will deepen a customer's connection of the brand as they embrace the 'wow' factor," Gonzalez says. "Be it a groundbreaking formulation or a disruptive technology.

Vend's point of sales system and in-store sensors allow companies to collect data on their customers. For example, a customer can assess foot traffic during specific weather conditions, conversion rates and cart contents. This type of big data can inform merchandisers and marketers on how to better position and target campaigns or window designs in the future, Gonzalez adds.

4. Timing a pop-up in conjunction with seasonality or holidays
4. 结合季节性因素或节假日时机开设“快闪”店

As we already know, consumers tend to buy during seasonal and holiday shopping. By creating a seasonal experience, companies can provide a "one-stop shop" for customers.

Seasonal shops are also an opportunity for retailers to collaborate with other businesses. For example, an online jewelry store could partner with a florist or a chocolatier and brand the whole experience as a Mother's Day shop, giving consumers more of a discovery experience while inside.

The store-within-a-store model is another type of pop-up that's becoming more common. Allowing smaller businesses to test market their items by setting up a stand or an area within a larger store may attract new business for the bigger retailer.
5. 全渠道零售将成为行业的未来

5. Omni-channel retail is the future of the industry
越来越多的企业正在利用所谓“全渠道”的零售模式,也就是既在网上销售,也在实体店和路边摊销售。正如麻省理工学院(the Massachusetts Institute of Technology)的一篇报告《超越购物车》指出的那样,随着消费者逐渐习惯利用多个平台进行发现和购物,许多零售商也不再按照渠道对销售进行划分。

More businesses are leveraging Omni-channel retail, or the seamless approach of a retailer selling online, in a store and on the road. As the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) report "Beyond the Checkout Cart" points out, many retailers are no longer distinguishing sales by channels while consumers are using a multi-platform for discovery and purchase.

Consumers expect accessible brands that enable everything to be at their fingertips. The increase in "showrooming," or when consumers compare prices online while browsing in-store, signals that customers are engaging with the multi-channel shopping approach. According to the MIT report, the industry generated $12 billion in sales made on a smartphone while 80% of shoppers admitted to "showrooming" before a purchase.