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6. Cancun 坎昆

There are vacation spots honeymooners flock to for their slow, romantic pace. And then there’s Cancun. Popular with collegiate spring breakers and hard partiers of all ages, Cancun is the place to go if you want to keep the wedding reception party going through your honeymoon.

Where to stay: Nizuc



7. Maldives 马尔代夫

Private islands. Miles of ivory beaches. You can dive or snorkel with whale sharks and manta rays by day and stay in a luxury villa with a private plunge pool by night. The nearly 1,200 islands (100 of which house resorts) that make up the Maldives make it a key Indian Ocean honeymoon spot.

Where to stay: The Four Seasons Maldives has two properties in the Maldives, Kuda Huraa which is closer to the capital city of Male and LandaaGiraavaru which offers more remote wilderness in the Baa Atoll (be sure to ask for their private sand bar dinner experience).


住宿推荐:马尔代夫四季度假村(Four Seasons Maldives)在马尔代夫有两处产业:一处位于(Male)库达呼拉岛,靠近首都马累;另一处位于兰达吉拉瓦鲁岛(Landaa Giraavaru),拥有更为幽僻的芭环礁(Baa Atoll)原始风光(酒店的私人沙滩晚宴绝不容错过)。

8. Fiji 斐济

Honeymooners will find the best diving in the Pacific (and famously friendly locals) in the Fiji Islands. And if you and your new spouse want to have some laughs, bring a volleyball, draw a smiley face on it, and talk to it as if it were a third member of your travel party; Tom Hanks’Cast Awaywas filmed on one of the islands of Fiji.

Where to stay: Turtle Island Resort Fiji

蜜月新人们将在斐济群岛上发现太平洋地区最佳的潜水胜地(以及以友好著称的当地人)。如果你和新婚伴侣想要制造点欢乐,那就拿一个排球,画个笑脸,然后把它当做同游的伙伴,跟它聊天;汤姆•汉克斯(Tom Hanks)主演的《荒岛余生》(Cast Away)便是在斐济的一个小岛上拍摄而成的。


9. Seychelles 塞舌尔群岛

115 islands make up this Indian Ocean chain, while diving and beachgoing make up its primary activities. But this is also a good place to see exotic birds and other wildlife.

Where to stay: Banyan Tree



10. Antigua 安提瓜岛

This Caribbean island, often included on cruise ship itineraries, is also a great choice as your sole vacation destination. White-sanded beaches ring this island, but the beaches on the neighbor island of Barbuda, 25 miles north, are more isolated — perfect for a day of romantic beach lounging.

Where to stay: Carlisle Bay

