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超长有效16年 比尔·盖茨力挺皮下植入式避孕芯片


Bill Gates changed the way we think about home computers in the 90s. He changed the way we think about billionaires in the decade that followed. Now he’s looking to change the way the think about birth control before the end of this decade.

Gates is backing a technology that could store 16 years worth of birth control medication on a small chip implanted under a woman’s skin. The device, which could be available as soon as 2018, is under development at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. When activated, the chip puts out 30 milligrams of the hormone levonorgestrel daily. It can be turned on and off without a trip to a doctor.
盖茨力挺的避孕技术是在女性皮下植入一个小芯片,里面储存的避孕药可维持16年之久。这款设备现在正由麻省理工学院(the Massachusetts Institute of Technology)实验室负责开发改进,计划2018年投放市场。如果激活芯片,它每天可以释放30毫克的荷尔蒙左旋诺孕酮。使用者根本用不着劳神去医院,自己就可以控制设备的开关。

超长有效16年 比尔·盖茨力挺皮下植入式避孕芯片

The device is 20 x 20 x 7 millimeters. It operates by temporarily melting a seal using an electric current, allowing that days medication to be dispersed.
这个设备的长、宽、高分别为20 x 20 x 7毫米。它的运行原理是利用一股电流暂时融化封口,封口开启后,芯片可以释放每日的避孕药剂。

Gates challenged MIT scientists to work on this project just two years ago during visit to the university’s labs.